2009 First Spouse Bronze Five Medal Set

by admin on December 11, 2009

in First Spouse Medals

2009 First Spouse Bronze Five Medal SetCoinciding with the availability of the Margaret Taylor Gold Coins on December 3, 2009, the US Mint also released the 2009 First Spouse Bronze Medal Series: Five-Medal Set.

Each set contains five medals struck from bronze with the likeness of the First Spouse gold coins that were issued throughout the year. The medals come packaged in Mylar® which is inserted into a product information containing folded card with a custom-made envelope.

All of the medals are struck at the Mint’s facility in Philadelphia (no mintmark is present) to a diameter of 1 5/16 inches. The set sells for $15.95 or individual medals may also be purchased for $3.50 a piece. A shipping charge of $4.95 per order applies.

The five former first ladies of the United States represented in this set (along with some design information) are:

Anna Harrison - The medal honoring Anna shows a portrait of her on the obverse designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Associate Designer Donna Weaver and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Joseph Menna. The reverse was designed by AIP Master Designer Thomas Cleveland and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Charles L. Vickers and shows Mrs. Harrison doing something that she loved dearly, teaching students. The bronze medal bears the same likeness as the Anna Harrison First Spouse Gold Coins.

Letitia Tyler – The portrait of Letitia on the obverse was designed and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill. On the reverse, we see Letitia with her two oldest children playing behind their Cedar Grove plantation. It was designed by AIP Master Designer Susan Gamble and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Norman E. Nemeth. The bronze medal bears the same likeness as the Letitia Tyler First Spouse Gold Coins.

Julia Tyler - AIP Master Designer Joel Iskowitz along with United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Don Everhart created both the obverse portrait of Julia and the reverse which shows Julia dancing with her husband, John, at a White House ball. The bronze medal bears the same likeness as the Julia Tyler First Spouse Gold Coins.

Sarah Polk - Phebe Hemphill designed and sculpted both the obverse and reverse for the Sarah Polk coins and medal. On the reverse, we see Sarah working alongside her husband, President James K. Polk, serving as his private secretary. The bronze medal bears the same likeness as the Sarah Polk First Spouse Gold Coins.

Margaret Taylor – Phebe Hemphill also designed the Taylor portrait on the obverse, with the sculpting being completed by Charles L. Vickers. The reverse was designed by AIP Associate Designer Mary Beth Zeitz and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Jim Licaretz and shows Margaret aiding a wounded soldier during the Seminole War. The bronze medal bears the same design as the Margaret Taylor First Spouse Gold Coins.

Medal Purchase Information

The medal sets (along with individual medals) may be ordered via the Mint’s website: www.usmint.gov or by calling the toll-free number 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).

Hearing and speech-impaired customers may place orders and inquiries through TTY at 1-888-321-MINT (6468), Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (ET).

For medal images, see First Spouse Bronze Medal Images.

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